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Hello reader, On March 1, seven days before my birthday I simply broke down because of how unhappy I felt with myself. It sounds almost pathetic and sad, but sometimes I need to remind myself that there are reasons, such as my family/boyfriend/and friends, why I need to keep myself alive. Sounds a bit psychotic...I know, and I am not proud of it. So as all these thoughts are rushing through my head, I decided that I should make a list. A list of what I do not hate about myself (I named it, "Things I hate about myself"), a list of things I love about myself (I named it, "Things I like about myself"), and the most important list - a list of "What I need to do to make myself feel happy". Please see "Chase Dreams, Not Competition" for day to day entries and others that will follow.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I cannot do this anymore

Hello reader,

On March 1, seven days before my birthday I simply broke down because of how unhappy I felt with myself. It sounds almost pathetic and sad, but sometimes I need to remind myself that there are reasons, such as my family/boyfriend/and friends, why I need to keep myself alive. Sounds a bit psychotic...I know, and I am not proud of it. So as all these thoughts are rushing through my head, I decided that I should make a list. A list of what I do not hate about myself (I named it, "Things I hate about myself"), a list of things I love about myself (I named it, "Things I like about myself"), and the most important list - a list of "What I need to do to make myself feel happy".
So here they are:
Things I hate about myself
-The way my body is
-The way I dress
-My nails
-My teeth
-My eyesight
-Money issues
-The way my room looks like
-The fact that I feel under-microscope with my 'rents.
-The way my toes are (they curl because of my anxiety)
-The fact that I am always hungry
-The fact that I feel unappreciated
-The fact that I hate getting close to people
-The fact that I get panic attacks and I turn red all the time
-Feeling like an outcast and unwanted or unloved
-I am impatient
-Feel depressed
-Don't know when to stop talking or annoying people

Things I like about myself
-Ambition when it comes to work
-Ability to lead
-Always willing to help
-Honest as to how I feel
-Respect and cautious towards people

Things I need to change to help me become happy
-Work out
-save money and go shopping
-Get a haircut (style)
-Clean my room and personalize
-Get nails and toes done
-Get new glasses or contacts
-Make more "me" time
-Stop thinking that Jackie is my friend
Still working on other ways to help me become happy/ Please let me know if you have any ideas....please?

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