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Hello reader, On March 1, seven days before my birthday I simply broke down because of how unhappy I felt with myself. It sounds almost pathetic and sad, but sometimes I need to remind myself that there are reasons, such as my family/boyfriend/and friends, why I need to keep myself alive. Sounds a bit psychotic...I know, and I am not proud of it. So as all these thoughts are rushing through my head, I decided that I should make a list. A list of what I do not hate about myself (I named it, "Things I hate about myself"), a list of things I love about myself (I named it, "Things I like about myself"), and the most important list - a list of "What I need to do to make myself feel happy". Please see "Chase Dreams, Not Competition" for day to day entries and others that will follow.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 1 - Change one little thing about yourself.

Hey You,

Today is March 9th, a day after my birthday. Though my birthday went fine, I celebrated it with my parents and my relatives, in addition to my boyfriend giving me a gorgeous ring (not engagement) + friends calling me and wishing me sweetest birthday wishes; I am still not yet a lot to accomplish as to making myself happy and making the happiness last.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, my main issues, that I believe are the cause of other issues as well (actually I did not mention that) is my weight/my appearance. So today,on March 9th, I am wearing the ring, wearing a new shirt (given to me by my grandma/bought by my mom) and debating as to whether I should put on make-up, I think that I will. Although I do not think I need make up, I think that every girl needs its gentle touch - to feel beautiful. I will also put some perfume.

Later today I will go to the gym, I will later list the outcome of today and as to whether I have followed through with what I have just written above.

Wish me luck.

Okay so today went bad. I mean, it started out good. I came to work (I wore make-up and perfume-made myself do it), ate fruit until lunch, then bough egg & cheese bagel and some soup...and then everything went down hill. Closer to 4, I ate my first candy for the day...then I ate two zefir's (Luydmila gave a whole box to me -such a sweet lady)...then I got home (around 6 pm) ate two shishkabobs (meaning:6 pieces of meat), 3 little pickles, and 3 truffle cakes. Enough sad. I feel depressed and disgusted with myself.

P.S. 1 I hate that I do not know when to stop and what I need to do is look for a new job & stop bothering people who do not wish to be bothered - Jackie.
P.S. 2 I'm meeting up with two of my closest friends and I have nothing to wear...ugh, I feel so ugly.
P.S. 3 Maybe I'll work out, but first I gotta do my homework

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