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Hello reader, On March 1, seven days before my birthday I simply broke down because of how unhappy I felt with myself. It sounds almost pathetic and sad, but sometimes I need to remind myself that there are reasons, such as my family/boyfriend/and friends, why I need to keep myself alive. Sounds a bit psychotic...I know, and I am not proud of it. So as all these thoughts are rushing through my head, I decided that I should make a list. A list of what I do not hate about myself (I named it, "Things I hate about myself"), a list of things I love about myself (I named it, "Things I like about myself"), and the most important list - a list of "What I need to do to make myself feel happy". Please see "Chase Dreams, Not Competition" for day to day entries and others that will follow.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 3 - Blah

Today was a new day...Day 3
I got out of bed, dragged my feet and went to school. Overall it was okay, except for the times when I remind myself that finals are getting closer and closer....
I ate okay I guess, could have eaten better...but, well I did not.
Anyway, I don't feel like writing anything here..I"m sort of feeling you know when you just don't feel like doing anything and it feels almost like you are forcing yourself to do something against your will?

Anyway, I'm going to sleep.


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